czwartek, 28 lipca 2011

@EdPeperkamp Better version of her emo ^ 2 ♫

@EdPeperkamp emo ^ 2 ♫

@EdPeperkamp Something about my tendentious worry just to worry ♫

@EdPeperkamp: "@agquarx ☼ Kasia Kowalska – Mniejsze zło agquarx_mana_feed emo ➠ Yes, she is very emo. Lately ... ♫

sobota, 16 lipca 2011

dear reader, you are beautiful no matter what <3 - sent to all -

I can't send it to all, because the link says "Ask this QUESTION to your xxxx followers". What you've provided is NOT a question. Kisses and milk! ;-)

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

piątek, 15 lipca 2011

If you love your formspring friends press ask your followers

How about phrasing it "Do you love your friends?" and just WISH REALLY HARD that I press the "Ask this question to your..." below? I might actually do it :-).

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

see that ''emo kid'' over there? You have no idea why he cuts.. That ''fat chick'' used to be bulimic. And that ''retarded kid'' has a learning disability and studys all night. Send this to all your followes if you're against bullying

Your followers already want to hear from you, so they are primed to confirm your bias of how reality realized looks like, lulling your fighting instincts to sleep. Try sending such stuff to people who do actual bullying and or don't agree with you, so you know if your words can really make a change in the world, like I do. I agree with your fight against bullying, I just NEVER pass on chain letters as a rule. Milk and kisses!

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

How do you celebrate your last birthday? : )

By accepting the inevitable.

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

środa, 13 lipca 2011

Who's freedom do you fight for, snd why?

If you are in minority, or opressed, or in any other way overwhelmed by a social or natural force which impairs your free choice to pseudo choice, that is no more than two alternatives, I will fight for your cause. I believe you need at least three alternatives to have a REAL choice. And choice is really all we have in the free will department. I don't know WHY I fight for freedom, I was always that way. It is my inborn trait.

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster. Or even more fast. RLY ;-)

Do you use like some algorithm to eat thru your daily plate of feeds, mails, music, podcasts and books? I definitely need one.

I use drink-more-coffee and sniff-amphetamines algorithm.

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

Time for a serious question: If the AIDS epidemic did not happen 30 years ago, do you think we would have LGBT rights today?

All the awful, dirty gays would be dead, so we'd have a better, more white and black world, where christian morals endure, a world without such filth as LGBT movement.

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

Pass This On If You Are Anti-Bullying. #NOH8 ♥

This pass-it-to-all plague is sickening my heart.

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

Please forward this on! A newborn baby girl needs a heart transplant & the blackberry phone company is donating money every time this is forwarded. Karma will repay you!!!!


Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

Ask this to your followers..... Say what you think about me in my inbox :)

I think you are very cute, but those "viral" send-it-to-all-followers questions annoy me a little bit ;-). I know it's a feature, but it's like the collect-most-likes-for-your-comment YouTube plague ;-).

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

What is your 'If Not Now, When?' moment?

Before I was born.

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

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