wtorek, 29 września 2009

Well, it's almost 5 o'clock AM here, time to bed, I think ;-). At least I will TRY... entheogens

poniedziałek, 28 września 2009

I've managed to get 600mg of that herbal essence. Ingested it right away. I start to feel first effects now :-) entheogens

wtorek, 22 września 2009

Ingested 750mg of certain herbal mix. Waiting for effects... #drugs #entheogens

środa, 9 września 2009

Lately I listen mostly to Amberian Dawn, Xandria, Within Temptation, Loreena McKennitt, Maedieval Babes. Does it show that I'm depressed? ;)

Preparing a hot bath. Love to read in warm scented water. Pratchett's "Feet of Clay" at the moment and some De Sade, I think. #reading

RT @physorg_com Scientists propose new hypothesis on the origin of life http://ping.fm/Ar1lh

Testing Thwirl #app

wtorek, 8 września 2009

@Wimmer @onejack Etykieta Twitterowa wersja 1.3 http://bit.ly/vx373

poniedziałek, 7 września 2009

Took about 300mg of ephedra extract. Just a little jolt to wake me up... #drugs

sobota, 5 września 2009

Listening to @dawnmiceli and @drewdomkus show podcast (old episodes). They are precious. Pffffffft Dawn Miceli!

Listening to newest New York Times Audio Digest via @audible_com...http://audible.com

Enjoying This Week in Science podcast...http://www.twis.org/ for the show notes. Follow @drkiki.

Listening to engorged malignous miazmata emanating from Dawn and Drew mouths, DnD episode 881 and 882. Already feasted on the movies...

piątek, 4 września 2009

Taking 600mg of DXM http://ping.fm/AAOeG and 1200mg of Ephedrine http://ping.fm/vGy9q

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