czwartek, 30 września 2010

@theNetherest ♫

@theNetherest ♫

@theNetherest ♫

My education: kindergarten 1963-1965, prime school: 1965-1971, secondary school: 1971-1977. Afraid of university, student culture loneliness I chose to work 1977-today. What's your education?

About six years of university education on different facilities, but never finished anything.

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

HD or flash memory?

I'm not sure...Solid state disks are nice, but I'm a bit afraid to use them, they are not as proven as HD. And pricey. I guess, HD, and lots of backups.

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

Analog or digital?

Digital. Completely digital.

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

Rice or potatoes?

Definitely RICE :-)

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

Do you prefer to shower in the morning, at night, or both?


Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

Do you have a system in place that, when you suddenly decease, will tell online friends that you are gone? So online friends do not worry what the bleep happened when you show no more signs of life?

No, but that's interesting. Could prove to be useful... Do you know any web service that provides something like that or do I have to write it myself?

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

@MirrormE: "Holland's answer to Lady Gaga ♥ Susanna Kay – Off the Hook - (Official Music Video)" ♫

@femmetal: "Lorraine Rath and Jessica Way are so dreamy. So's their music!" ♫

wtorek, 28 września 2010

Incredibly depressing Mega Millions Lottery simulator

Google Suggest Filtering

How Ignorant About Religion Are Religious Americans?

pick-two-6793-1268252888-5.jpg (480×420)

@Lunaladee: "great!! love it, thx! rb @maurilao: "@Lunaladee o/"" ♫

@theNetherest ;-) ♫

@theNetherest It's us, the salt of the land, from the poor districts and the hell growed over, hey, you will nev... ♫

@Lunaladee: "rb @cyberfreak77: "Ruby Tuesday - The Rolling Stones"" ♫

@DiCE_of_ERiS ;-) ♫

We Are The Fallen - "Bury Me Alive" Acoustic LIVE

We Are The Fallen - Sleep Well , My Angel

poniedziałek, 27 września 2010

MDMA Damage

Your Bible is broken.

Garbage "#1 Crush" Lorely Festival 1998

Delain - Start Swimming (new song) live @ Broerenkerk Zwolle

Delain - Sever

Garbage - Vow

Bunday Overload

Tarja Turunen - Passion And The Opera (Live in Moscow 3/13)

anyone who says they never tell a lie is lying to themselves at a preconscious level as their brain delays and misr...

Cocteau Twins-{seekers who are lovers}

Cocteau Twins - Summerhead (Later)

Leaves' Eyes - "Elegy" Napalm Records

@DiCE_of_ERiS And she'll enter your puny dream // Concealed in a mourning veil // Change is the only thing real ... ♫

@DiCE_of_ERiS God...thinks? ;-) ♫

poniedziałek, 20 września 2010

The Children of the Plague - Tragedy Engine

Meanwhile in Warsaw

sobota, 18 września 2010

Subscribed to napalmrecords

LEAVES' EYES - Into Your Light

LEAVES' EYES - My Destiny (Official)

piątek, 17 września 2010

Some say playing and cherishing emo music will keep me in bondage recycling my pain and never getting away from it. What do you think?

I think they are morons who don't know s*t about #emo and music in general. Sad music doesn't make you sad by default, it depends on your constitution. Tell them to sod off and ask me again if they say something like that :-)

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

Cake Song

środa, 15 września 2010

Ciekawe czy masz konto na www.ask. fm. Chciał bym cię śledzić. To jest coś podobnego do form spring, ale coś nowego!

Nie mam, ale spróbuję :-)

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

Songs sung in English cut me a little less deep than songs sung in my mothertongue Dutch. (Dutch hits me too hard, is maybe why I don't like songs in Dutch) How is that for you, English compared to Polish? Or compared to Russian even?

For me English is as powerful or sometimes even more powerful than Polish. It really depends on the lyrics for me and most important - how music is playing with the lyrics, there is no difference because of language type at least for those two languages. I know a lot more songs sung in English that I care about though. Maybe Polish musicians suck ;-)

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

Boots, sneakers or high heels?

Definitely BOOTS. Big, black, with lots of laces :-) PUNK!

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

piątek, 10 września 2010

@notadjman ♫

@erisian_agquarx_feeder: "She is the night, stars in her hair, stop being blind, wake up and stare!" ♥ Astarte- ... ♫

@erisian_agquarx_feeder: twitassoc Take my hand, let me take you to some other land...Cranberries ♥ Kemopetrol ... ♫

środa, 8 września 2010

Religion Is Like…

Виктор Цой - Звезда по имени солнце

wtorek, 7 września 2010

Playgirl - Ladytron

Retweeting @acidcherry: I'm soooo happy >>> Happy with your happiness! :-)

Do you sleep in PJs, plain Tshirt, just you panties or naked?

I sleep in a T-Shirt and panties.

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

How Often Do You Masturbate? :)

Three times a week when I'm not in a relationship.

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

@theNetherest Something about me... ♫

poniedziałek, 6 września 2010

I find myself rather dependent on other people's moods and opinions. How do I change to be a stable individual with a core of self-confidence and self-love that others can't touch?

You asking that questions shows that you have deeper problems. A question always reveals part of the answer and tells you something true about the questioner. Your question partially "diagnoses" you, just don't think you are not normal ;-). First, try imagining your various personalities, give them names (and keep to them), imagine how they look, try talking to them. Try differentiate which thoughts are yours and which are of theirs. Then, after a while, when they are strong, REALIZE that they are just you. Tell yourself that, against that feeling that they are separate. After all, nothing comes from nothing - they MUST originate in you, because you only meet them in your own head. And drugs. Drugs will certainly help to change your attitude. Take drugs that stimulate dopamine and nor-epinephrine, like cocaine or meth ;-).

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

@RedheadAlert_feeding_agquarx You are my super trooper :-] ♫

@RedheadAlert_feeding_agquarx: "I LOVE this song, I always send it to people who demand pictures of me before th... ♫

niedziela, 5 września 2010

@theNetherest Everything is better than a silent life...Save my life... ♫

sobota, 4 września 2010

@RedheadAlert_feeding_agquarx: "I feel like this today / It's going to go away / Can't talk to you / Nothing to ... ♫

@theNetherest Dancing ;-) ♫

@theNetherest Warpaint? ;-) ♫

@RedheadAlert_feeding_agquarx: I am trying to break myself out of this misery... ♥ Nina Hagen– TV Glotzer [couch... ♫

środa, 1 września 2010

@RedheadAlert: "☼ When I feel down I want you above me.. You're the sun who makes me shine.. ♥ Divinyls - I Touc... ♫

@theNetherest Another Polish band, please tell me what u think! ♫

@theNetherest Thanks for the generous gift :-] Here is one of my faves... ♫

@theNetherest So, you liked that unfinished erotic story? The heat from sands of the Desert? :-) Should I finish... ♫

@theNetherest @notadjman The world is ours, our own to love... ♫

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