wtorek, 30 marca 2010

Infinite USB http://ping.fm/mSb3T

poniedziałek, 29 marca 2010

Just for Fun: Simple Science Facts interesting short :-) http://ping.fm/cCCgq

Meth Babies?Fact or Fiction? http://ping.fm/WzAeD

sobota, 27 marca 2010

? Generals' War (i'm an engineer and although not google nor apple I feel bad about this war too) http://ping.fm/GlVst

Scientists Finally Prove High Fructose Corn Syrup Risks http://ping.fm/7Msjk

Apple to Unveil 'iAd' Mobile Ad Platform on April 7th? http://ping.fm/BuXVk

Brain Worms http://xkcd.com/719/

The cost of Apple's products, adjusted for inflation http://ping.fm/3v0yZ

Think Really Different http://ping.fm/TgpkA

Tomorrow night, turn off your lights! http://ping.fm/x78Id

piątek, 26 marca 2010

When Blu-ray Isn't Better: LOTR Edition [Movies] http://ping.fm/VDMxw

Next steps for our experimental fiber network http://ping.fm/Iqb7c

Man Refuses Prize After Solving World's Most Complicated Math Problem http://ping.fm/xXpiq

sobota, 6 marca 2010

Popular Science Puts Entire Scanned Archive Online, Free http://ping.fm/IGaYR

Conan Pledges to Change One Woman's Life? on Twitter tweeps celebrities http://ping.fm/btnaU

Collatz Conjecture funny http://xkcd.com/710/

iPad launches on April 3rd, pre-orders begin March 12th http://ping.fm/i1OtW

? Attention Is the Real Resource ? advertising rss makemoneyfast http://ping.fm/9VZDO

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