wtorek, 30 grudnia 2008

catching up with Polyamory Weekly http://polyweekly.com

sobota, 27 grudnia 2008

Took 300mg of Ephedra Sinica. Time to have some phun :-)

niedziela, 21 grudnia 2008

Top 10 Safari Plugins (http://ping.fm/2RuQ2)

enjoying Heat Flash erotic podcast...

sobota, 20 grudnia 2008

Organizuję ekipę hyperreal tłumoczenia. Zgłosiło się już dwie osoby :-).

piątek, 19 grudnia 2008

wow first 10 minutes of Bound and I'm already aroused :-)

is watching Bound pimped by Susie Bright in her Audible podcast In Bed With Susie Bright...

watching Little Miss Sunshine. Bound has finished downloading, so that's next :-). I will surely buy Bound when I get a chance, though...

is praising Astarte on my home altar...

@blog Test of custom trigger blog

czwartek, 18 grudnia 2008

watching Little Miss Sunshine, pimped by Susie Bright in her Audible podcast. Bound is downloading. BitTorrent rulez!

Przetłumoczone dwa nowe artykuły: http://ping.fm/S3YlO i http://ping.fm/XLF7F

is translating for free for hyperreal.info repository articles found on Digg relating to psychoactive substances.

is flying on the high seas of enhanced awareness of inner temple...

wtorek, 16 grudnia 2008

Another jumbo portion of Christiana Shallow Thoughts podcast for me! :-)

I don't know why some people don't fancy Philippa Ballentine's accent. It's original and her voice is deep and relaxing. Great storyteller!

Yay, I just noticed (while listening to Susie Bright) a new Erotica A La Carte epizode - "The Right of Princes". Can't wait...

I found a little dose of my fauvorite "stuff" stashed in hidden place while cleaning for holiday season. Nice bonus :-) Of course I ate it!

wtorek, 9 grudnia 2008

OMG my psychedelic substance related comment got into Dawn and Drew Show 822 8-))))) I'm soooo excited!

poniedziałek, 8 grudnia 2008

Niemcy legalizują medyczną marihuanę: http://ping.fm/SzmKy

piątek, 5 grudnia 2008

jumbo dose of Christiana's Shalow Thoughts to chill out...

czwartek, 4 grudnia 2008

watching The Cranberries videos on youtube. Lovely...

poniedziałek, 1 grudnia 2008

tasting MOREVI Remastered "The Price of the Crown" chapter...

is not wondering why Twitter fails every now and then while IRC servers work 24h/365 days a year without fail sending five times more...

adding friends to plurk. Check out plurk at http://www.plurk.com.

reading on Wikipedia on type theory. Donated $200 to Wikipedia today. Donate too and enjoy the dream of free available information!

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