środa, 28 października 2009

Alice doesn�t live here anymore. I love you Drew Barrymore! You are my hero! ( http://ping.fm/HXqtb )

Freaky Horror Tropes: Necrophilia ( http://ping.fm/LCY8W )

Bale Out ( http://ping.fm/IPuBM )

środa, 21 października 2009

Mars Volta - The Widow (o Jimmim Morrisonie, tłumaczenie piosenki) http://ping.fm/uTzfvłumaczenie_piosenki

wtorek, 20 października 2009

New post in my journal! :-) Translation of Mars Volta - The Widow into Polish (with rhyme and rhytm). Please comment on the quality!

piątek, 2 października 2009

In bed, listening to This Week In Tech, The Grammar Girl and old episodes of The Dawn and Drew Show podcasts. Too sleepy to do anything else

wtorek, 29 września 2009

Well, it's almost 5 o'clock AM here, time to bed, I think ;-). At least I will TRY... entheogens

poniedziałek, 28 września 2009

I've managed to get 600mg of that herbal essence. Ingested it right away. I start to feel first effects now :-) entheogens

wtorek, 22 września 2009

Ingested 750mg of certain herbal mix. Waiting for effects... #drugs #entheogens

środa, 9 września 2009

Lately I listen mostly to Amberian Dawn, Xandria, Within Temptation, Loreena McKennitt, Maedieval Babes. Does it show that I'm depressed? ;)

Preparing a hot bath. Love to read in warm scented water. Pratchett's "Feet of Clay" at the moment and some De Sade, I think. #reading

RT @physorg_com Scientists propose new hypothesis on the origin of life http://ping.fm/Ar1lh

Testing Thwirl #app

wtorek, 8 września 2009

@Wimmer @onejack Etykieta Twitterowa wersja 1.3 http://bit.ly/vx373

poniedziałek, 7 września 2009

Took about 300mg of ephedra extract. Just a little jolt to wake me up... #drugs

sobota, 5 września 2009

Listening to @dawnmiceli and @drewdomkus show podcast (old episodes). They are precious. Pffffffft Dawn Miceli!

Listening to newest New York Times Audio Digest via @audible_com...http://audible.com

Enjoying This Week in Science podcast...http://www.twis.org/ for the show notes. Follow @drkiki.

Listening to engorged malignous miazmata emanating from Dawn and Drew mouths, DnD episode 881 and 882. Already feasted on the movies...

piątek, 4 września 2009

Taking 600mg of DXM http://ping.fm/AAOeG and 1200mg of Ephedrine http://ping.fm/vGy9q

piątek, 7 sierpnia 2009

Chant to Astarte - using social media to contact Goddess. New blog entry on Last.fm http://ping.fm/q3xBo

czwartek, 6 sierpnia 2009

Listening to "Irfan" - "Seraphim" on my iPod "Astarte", it's addicting! #fb

poniedziałek, 3 sierpnia 2009

Listening to Grammar Girl podcast...http://ping.fm/eOhZT

Reading comp.lang.javascript and listening to Last.fm - Loreena McKennitt & Meadieval Babes radio.

Browsing through pictures of a fabulous redhead - Mylene Farmer on http://Last.fm internet radio. http://ping.fm/drsjsène+Farmer/+images/363608

Reading comp.lang.php for fun and listening to Xandria & Within Temptation multi-radio on http://Last.fm :-) Thanks Weyr, nicze and Last.fm!

Czytam "NIE" i słucham radia Last.fm. I'm reading "NIE" and listening to Last.fm radio.

środa, 29 lipca 2009

Listening to Down From Ten series #podcast episode 1. I've got five more to go! :-) #fiction #sex #humor

Zapach Suzanne Vega. Jest porno i duszno :-) Nowy wpis na blogu agquarx. http://ping.fm/aQSqy

wtorek, 28 lipca 2009

I will be attending a Suzanne Vega concert in Warsaw, Poland, Sala Kongresowa. I have tickets in the first row! :-) I love her so much! :-]

piątek, 24 lipca 2009

Nadchodzi całodobowe życie #modafinil #drugs #cool #blog (ignoruj ostrzeżenie o certyfikacie, strona jest bezpieczna) http://ping.fm/AY8Y6

sobota, 18 lipca 2009

Every website should give you ability to chat in real time with it's other users. Share you opinion! #minekey #opinion http://ping.fm/w3Etq

poniedziałek, 13 lipca 2009

Listening to my iPod "Astarte" on my iPod HiFi speakers, very loud :-) Playlist - "female fronted metal". Yeah!

sobota, 11 lipca 2009

I stumbled upon this one, LOL guaranteed: http://ping.fm/7d7EY http://ping.fm/OG0p1

Happy 32th birthday to me! :-) #birthday

Po Co Ich Karać? Po Prostu Powiedz Nie Wojnie Z Narkomanami! http://ping.fm/HTUrt

piątek, 10 lipca 2009

Sleeping beauty // Śpiąca królewna. New Last.fm Journal entry by agquarx with a poem by agquarx. New! New! http://ping.fm/iSuXcśpiąca_królewna?success=1 #metapoetry #fairy

czwartek, 9 lipca 2009

Hell is the place without god... But if you are already in hell, you can as well have some fun with Devil? http://ping.fm/5TKqe

środa, 8 lipca 2009

Physical reality of string theory demonstrated http://ping.fm/9ApBP

Z głodu narkotycznego nikt nie umarł. Polemika. http://ping.fm/mkCU8

Night People Manifesto :-) http://ping.fm/J75CK

wtorek, 7 lipca 2009

Nowy artykuł w blogu agquarx na hyperreal.info. Jest porno! http://ping.fm/6UlZA

Nowy poll na stronach hyperreal.info. Brak porno i chomików. http://ping.fm/XzgqU

Młodzi chcą marihuany (a rząd klonów)! http://ping.fm/WMt8w

I just made a Facebook Causes Birtday Wish :-). I decided to beg money for the cause of Cervical Cancer Awareness. http://ping.fm/Z9UUK

Holandia zamyka coffee shopy z trawką i grzybkami dla turystystów. A przynajmniej zamierzają :-( http://ping.fm/RQhYy

Listening to open source sex podcast by violet blue (r) while drinking "closed source" ;-) Tea (tm).

środa, 1 lipca 2009

Heterosexual priviledge - przywileje heteryków. Read if you are thinking you are not priviledged as a heterosexual. http://ping.fm/qUxmM

poniedziałek, 29 czerwca 2009

A good samaritan gave me a small amount of money, so I just did some drugs in acceptance of my going to a rehab facility for drugged nimphet

Dobra dusza wpłaciła mi anonimowo parę złotych w związku z czym pożegnalnie się narkotyzuję przed wyjazdem na odwyk dla nimfetek narkomanek.

piątek, 19 czerwca 2009

listening to "female fronted metal" tag on Last.fm internet radio and brooding...

falling asleep to old epizodes of Dawn and Drew Show http://dawnanddrew.com. I drank too much Tea (tm) ;-)

czwartek, 18 czerwca 2009

getting used to my new glasses. Suddenly the world seems more clear to me ;-). No drugs available, unfortunately, so no fun either.

poniedziałek, 8 czerwca 2009

Browsing Heather Graham profane images at http://ping.fm/8C211

Massaging my ears with discography of The Beatles mixed with discography of Tori Amos while slightly high...

środa, 27 maja 2009

reading random articles on Wikipedia. Wonderful nonsense can be found sometimes...

wtorek, 26 maja 2009

Coding something complicated and arcane in AI deparment while under influence of large amount of genus Psilocibe mushrooms...

poniedziałek, 18 maja 2009

I was sex chatting with several men at once, satisfying them all in time. It made me happy.

I love you all and everyting on this Earth, my body tingles all over and my pussy is so wet!

sobota, 16 maja 2009

listening to a mix of all the records I own of Clan of Xymox and XIII Stoleti to make myself heavy goth/emo mood and cry. I cry already!

środa, 6 maja 2009

is it mind over matter or matter over mind?

chatting on various services, including Facebook, OKCupid, Twitter, IRC and Google Chat. My Google Chat id is agquarx@gmail.com :-)

playing Pirates!: Rule the Carribean! on Facebook

wtorek, 5 maja 2009

I'm coming down now. Changed the music to more mellow tunes. I did a lot of creative thinking while high. Splendid! :-)

ingested 1500mg of my fauvorite innocent herb, victim of War on Drug Users. Let's party! It's been long time sober. Too long!

wtorek, 28 kwietnia 2009

Listening to FDO (Scott Sigler) and Seth Harwood podcasts. Going early to bed today. Need more data for my nightmares ;-). Milk and kisses..

środa, 22 kwietnia 2009

I did a Tarot reading for my friend...it was surprisingly meaningful!

waiting impatiently for review of my erotic story by Philippa Ballantine. I love her, I simply love her :-)

poniedziałek, 20 kwietnia 2009

Was in cinema. Splendid!

środa, 15 kwietnia 2009

Back to operation...

Google Mail is dead

Alice Brown has big sweet eyes // Alice has a man and wife // One day Alice Brown just dies // And on this day she comes to fruition...

Writing poems and sending them to random persons from my friend list...

Reading articles http://ping.fm/Tfb3c

Reading articles about Twitter and Facebook...

Playing web games on Facebook...

Listening to Barbara Morgenstern...

Listening to Jango.com. It has a potential...Not as good as Last.fm, though. Yet.

środa, 8 kwietnia 2009

...Reading Wayne Magnuson's English Idioms, Sayings and Slang...http://ping.fm/PHFX6

...Reading Wayne Margnuson's English Idioms, Sayings and Slang...

Listening to "Keith and a Girl" podcast...


Od poniedzia�ek 16 marzec 2009,1 z Twoich kontakt�w zaprosi�o Ci� do przy��czenia si� do Netlog, spo�eczno�ci internetowej dla ponad 20 milion�w ludzi w Europie.


My mind is blurred like my eyes // Directed toward my Mac screen // My head is filled with my lies // I feel I'll never win...

czwartek, 2 kwietnia 2009

Dwa nowe wpisy na blogu "agquarx".
Z sensem: http://ping.fm/DAQcX
Bez sensu: http://ping.fm/b5zjX
Zawiera treści pornograficzne. Nie zawiera chomików.

Testing Jango.com. We'll see how it compares to Last.fm.

środa, 1 kwietnia 2009

My Internet Boyfriend broke up with me after I've send him my nude picture :-(

wtorek, 3 lutego 2009

Listening to a lot of Russian music today. Posted a new blog post at hyperreal.info http://ping.fm/oh8IN

czwartek, 29 stycznia 2009

browsking messages and documents with Google Mail and Google Docs. Translating. Sharing.

piątek, 16 stycznia 2009

coming down from a heavy dose of Ephedra - I took 1500mg of the stuff and still can't go to sleep after a whole day of high...

sobota, 10 stycznia 2009

passionately engulfed in manic erotic podcast Heat Flash. Go into the misty world of erotic short fiction yourself! http://ping.fm/SW63W

reading pl.comp.sys.macintosh

piątek, 9 stycznia 2009

is chilling out to old epizodes of Dawn and Drew Show http://ping.fm/v7qXp

managed to snake through 300 mg of my fauvorite psychoactive substance. Going to have some fun, at last!

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