poniedziałek, 17 maja 2010

Blogging, Deep Blogging of FNORDs http://ping.fm/djHfL

Why I Steal Movies (Even Ones I'm In) http://ping.fm/5aztX

sobota, 15 maja 2010

Facebook Exodus Planned for May 31: Will You Quit? facebookmustdie http://ping.fm/8YS6F

What we’re reading (cc @aubreylosdes) http://ping.fm/QHVml

The Bones of War: Haunting Skeleton Photography http://ping.fm/qtgwb

Had Enough Already? Quit Facebook Day is May 31 (cc @Benfranklin1) facebookmustdie http://ping.fm/2zX7Y

Mick Jagger Goes Back to Exile (SIEG HEIL JAGGER! ALL HAIR ROLLING STONES! *pada na twarz* :-)) http://ping.fm/RUNwp

Apple Responds To Adobe [Humor] flashmustdiediedie http://ping.fm/8IQA1

piątek, 14 maja 2010

Had Enough Already? Quit Facebook Day is May 31 facebookmustdie http://ping.fm/nnCO8

Wikipedia Is Not Amused By Entry For xkcd-Coined Word http://ping.fm/EfD6i

I’ve had dreams like that (PREZENT :-) cc @aubreydelosdes) http://ping.fm/UBauX

You’re Welcome, You Bastards (GREAT EXAMPLE OF CORPORATE COPYRIGHT IDIOTS AT WORK) copyleft http://ping.fm/af60o

Switching to Chrome? Download these Extensions (cc @dashlongbar - przyda Ci się!) http://ping.fm/znyxX

facebookmustdie: Facebook's Huge Maze of Privacy Options Mapped Out [Facebook] http://ping.fm/RqBDN

facebookmustdie: Comic for May 14, 2010 http://ping.fm/cWAiJ

wtorek, 11 maja 2010

13 Components That Define a Great Website which is cool and OMG LOL TOTALLY AWESOME! http://ping.fm/MBRlS

New Programming Jargon (if constant === variable) then feature is Unicorny ;-) fun coding http://ping.fm/mxT4X

INFOGRAPHIC: The History Of Facebook’s Default Privacy Settings http://ping.fm/vVjU3

Rumor: MobileMe may soon be free (cc @mackozer) http://ping.fm/dyFp0

Mozilla shares tentative vision for Firefox 4 http://ping.fm/gtqiK

sobota, 8 maja 2010

Apparently Facebook considers your current IP address to be public property! facebookmustdie http://ping.fm/qZ61V

Voyager 2 stops making sense (CC @drkiki, twis) http://ping.fm/uZPTs

piątek, 7 maja 2010

How-to: Avoid Facebook Malware facebookmustdie http://ping.fm/lOvCk

wtorek, 4 maja 2010

Scientists Explain Why Computers Crash But We Don't (CC @drkiki) http://ping.fm/81QQn

Cool Photos and Artworks for Your Inspiration 11 (for @dashlongbar) http://ping.fm/teUEL

General Web Content: The LOLgraph: Charts, Graphs, and Diagrams (CC @dashlongbar) http://ping.fm/qWIDX

Figures show scale of bee catastrophe (CC @drkiki twis) http://ping.fm/7f6wK

Zukerberg’s Famous Pig funny facebookmustdie http://ping.fm/iWgVc

File-sharers are content industry's (CC @drkiki, twis) http://ping.fm/BhPMb

Encoding.com Reports H.264 Is Now Used to Encode 66 Percent of Web Videos dieflashdiediedie http://ping.fm/Iyk3T

How Funny Are You? Microsoft Explains 4 Levels Of Humor Proficiency http://ping.fm/fNcb1

Global Cola: 10 Pepsi-Cola Flavors You Can’t Get Here (@Distortedview) http://ping.fm/6wzEp

Floor funny ididthistoo http://ping.fm/FVhRx

Stained Glass Flying Spaghetti Monster http://ping.fm/NIENq

poniedziałek, 3 maja 2010

Do libertarians have a sense of humor? politics http://ping.fm/hZkmZ

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