wtorek, 5 października 2010

What does being a wytch add to your worldview or sense of spirituality that is unique and “not accessible” thru major world religions?

As a wytch I have special powers, of course. My intuition is so heightened that I can use it instead of pure reason. Magickal beings talk to me freely. I cast love spells hither and dither...As to worldview - I became a wytch after a revelation of Last Child of Gaia in a dream I was telling you about I think. I am in love with Mother Earth. I can't stand people who tell me that this life is meaningless comparing with life after death. Wytches know there is none. I have never seen a spirit from the dead and I'm not expecting to. Whole afterlife is a bunch of bullshit that only makes people care less about each other and our planet. I hate organized religions for creating this harmful illusion. People that mourn their dead know that there is nothing on the other side, I think, deep in their hearts, even if they say otherwise. Or they wouldn't mourn.

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

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