niedziela, 29 stycznia 2012

@EdPeperkamp I need some power and lightning rod / Burning my tomorrows' suffering out / I need all mana, all t... ♫

@EdPeperkamp Suffering until there is no pain / Locked up in my own mind afloat / Suffering almost tenuous stra... ♫

Kiss of Astarte like gem of Chaos / A blip of party sounds nice / I kissed again the Gateway alone / Promise to... ♫

@EdPeperkamp: "I really beeping miss you @agquarx here on Blip =(" ➠ Calling Astarte... ➠ FIXED :-D ♫

wtorek, 17 stycznia 2012

Ask me questions about hamsters and duct tape.

poniedziałek, 9 stycznia 2012

What aggravates fish?

Fishy business.

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

Who is the lady on the wallpaper of your Twitter page?

She is one of my beloved actreeses, Brittany Murphy. She died at 32, unfortunately. :-(

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

What was the purpose / mission of your and what is your current relationship to the concept / meme / entity Szatan ?

It's mission was poke fun at satanist and nazi websites. Szatan is my personal Jesus.

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

If you miss someone that's in heaven, send this to all your followers.

I don't believe in afterlife.

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

Do u love Taylor Lautner ? Ask to your followers if u do!

I don't know that personage.

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

Did u knew that Taylor Lautner has Formspring? :D

No. Who is she? Should I google her? :-)

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

Do u have an electric guitar?

No. I have a harp.

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

Check out my new profile photo and respond!

Wonderful! So dark! :-) Mrrroook...

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

What colour are your eyes? ♥

Green or grey. Depends.

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

what's your favourite song at the moment?

Not Human Kind by Eyes of Eden

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

Do you like ear whispers?

No. I mostly hate them.

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

Which schizophrenia type has been officially diagnosed for you?

PARANOID schizophrenia.

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

At which age did you first start using a computer? And was your first an Apple product?

I was 12. My first computer was Atari 130XE. My first Apple product is a product for my old age, Apple iBook G4. I bough it with an iPod, as a pair and instantly fell in love. Soon I sold all my PC hardware and bought more Apple warez :-D

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

Nothing happens for a reason, you said. But can things happen for a purpose? Do you believe some things happen to draw attention to the path one should follow in life?

Sometimes I have my iPod set at random chaos and some song plays and I have a sudden feeling it wants to tell me something. Sometimes I act on such feelings, but I still don't believe it ;-)

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.

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