Upcoming changes to Reader: a new look, new Google+ features, and some clean-up http://ping.fm/uNNxP
piątek, 21 października 2011
niedziela, 16 października 2011
What's your favorite necklace look like?
It's a silver pentagram on a silver chain. I don't own much jewelery.
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
What are your fondest memories of your time at university?
The general freedom to learn as much as you want and ignore what you don't like.
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
Is your life more comedy or drama?
It's a boring play in which nothing of substance really happens and then you die.
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
Do you own any sexy underwear?
At the moment, no. I am in a mental hospital and wearing sexy underwear here would be kind of countertextual.
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
What do you like about yourself?
My ability to read very fast and hack into things. My ass is also something I am proud of ;-).
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
Where would u like to live ?
Holland or New Zealand or Ireland.
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
Do u wanna be a star ?
Every man and every woman is a star.
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
A repeatable question (and only for readers. all else, delete!) What are you reading these days?
I'm reading Villa Incognito by Tim Robbins and The Queen of the Damned by Anne Rice.
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
Christianity, concept of sin and repentence or punishment by God. Astarte, no such concepts in worshipping her, correct? And punishment? Does She work with wrath and vengeance? Or is she a goddess free, uninterested if mortals worship her or not?
No. She is a goddess free. She doesn't need me to worship her, I do it out of my own free will (if any thing as free will exists...). She knows no sin. She is not like her former husband, Yahweh. That's why she divorced him. She is interested, she just isn't DEPENDANT. She is a goddess free. That's what my revelation told me.
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
What is your favourite cheese? And what your favourite recipe with cheese?
I like every kind of cheese. I never found any kind I did not like. My favorite way to eat cheese is by itself. Just pick up a piece and chew happily :-)
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
Will you ever pass down your unique genetical makeup to a next generation? Do you dream of a daughter or son?
No. I don't think so. I only like children if they are not mine :-P I was really struggling with it before and was very unhappy because I thought my line will die off, but I thought it through and now I know I can pass my genes by caring for my relatives and THEIR children too :-)
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
środa, 12 października 2011
@EdPeperkamp Just returned from grocery store. Bought some radishes and cheese and hard candy :-P ♫ http://blip.fm/~1806da
poniedziałek, 10 października 2011
@EdPeperkamp Dog days are over for a while I guess. I don't know if it's you, but sudden surge of mana lets me ... ♫ http://blip.fm/~17yxc6
czwartek, 6 października 2011
wtorek, 4 października 2011
@EdPeperkamp On the other hand...I think I might need a nap. I suddenly became kind of sleepy ;-P It's hard to ... ♫ http://blip.fm/~17ux4z
@EdPeperkamp Dinner in 20 minutes...I feel very good today. I don't think I will even need afterdinner nap. Ful... ♫ http://blip.fm/~17uwo9
@EdPeperkamp To be frank, I'm more interested in the iPod line than iPhones... ♫ http://blip.fm/~17uw0q
poniedziałek, 3 października 2011
@EdPeperkamp If there is one song that I play to start a ritual of Astarte or fairies it's this one. It's inspi... ♫ http://blip.fm/~17uc9a
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