Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster. Unless your question is SPAM!
środa, 31 sierpnia 2011
If you support Gay rights click the ask followers. Even if you're not gay, and just support.
If you are Gay is it more cool than just being gay? ;-) Milk and kisses!
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
At which age did you first use a controlled substance; which substance was it, and how would you describe your experience?
I was 19, I think, when I first tried a controlled substance, it was the dreaded poison of the mind that kills our young, HASHISH (!). I inhaled some of what I was offered, then some more, then I entered a confused, not at all elevated, but drowsy state during which I was concentrated and insisted on just one action - drawing. I took a pencil and a piece of paper and began drawing a very complicated picture; I drew until the hashish stopped working and my mind cleared; and then I stopped. I wish I kept it ;-].
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
What is your mother tongue? Polish? Or did you learn Russian and English first from your parents? What was your mother's tongue =) err.. language? And your dad's? And laslty, which of these 3 languages do you prefer? To speak / write / think in?
My mothers' tongue is Polish. I learned Polish and Russian in my childhood, English I still learn and practice every day. My mother and father spoke to me mostly in Polish, though father sometimes switched to Russian. Of those three languages I prefer English, which I learned mostly myself. I prefer English when thinking, especially abstract thoughts or writing and Polish when speaking about the mundane, and sometimes even the abstract, because I speak English with strong Polish accent and I don't like how it sounds; a lot (I know you do like it :-]).
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
what is your teenage dream? :)
When I was a teenager, I wanted to enter a poly (though I didn't know the word yet) marriage with four other people of varying sexes and apperances, forming a pentad. It was WAY before I first read about the Law of Fives or seen a Pentagram.
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
What's your honest oppinion of me? (If you're brave you'll press ask followers)
You are a complex man trying to be simple. Not a simple, but a complex mans' idea of simplicity.
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
What would you do with me if you ever got me alone? You can answer privately if you want.
I would eat your flesh and eat your soul, for I am of the Nameless Ones.
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
dlaczego cocoloveone ?:)
Azaliż to nie rozkosh okrutna, gdy lica zagorzeją, ogrzane roztworem świętego płynu coco, którego mocy miłość równa jedynie? :-)
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
@EdPeperkamp This one, already downloaded first part :-) ♫
@EdPeperkamp I'm so happy :-D I love audiobooks! Thank you so much!, @EvilBlackAngel: Good vibrations in your d... ♫
@EdPeperkamp I bought some audiobooks :-D Now you know. First to listen - Shadow of the Torturer by Gene Wolfe.... ♫
wtorek, 30 sierpnia 2011
@EdPeperkamp They are using electric shock "therapy" on his friend. Suddenly I begin to doubt reading this was... ♫
@EdPeperkamp I'm already past 169 pages :-) I like long books and I read in English as fast as in Polish ♫
@EdPeperkamp To give it it a reason, to give it its might...I feel that I am losing the struggle within... ♫
@EdPeperkamp My favorite Stream of Passion song for today :-) It reminds me of See Who I Am by Within Temptatio... ♫
czwartek, 25 sierpnia 2011
@EdPeperkamp Fucking Facebook deleted my account. The only reason I am mad, RLY, is because I didn't do it fir... ♫
środa, 24 sierpnia 2011
wtorek, 23 sierpnia 2011
@EdPeperkamp, @EvilBlackAngel: Hello today! I feel good and am full of hope for todays' day :-) ♫
sobota, 20 sierpnia 2011
@EdPeperkamp No offence taken :-) I'm going to eat what comes off for dinner here now... ♫
@EdPeperkamp I had awful attack of agoraphobia. Got a medicine, then an injection, nothing helped. Finally, I t... ♫
piątek, 19 sierpnia 2011
@EdPeperkamp I feel good, I feel like flirting today ;-) I hope this feeling won't just dissipate into nothing ... ♫
@EdPeperkamp I swallowed my meds like a good grrl I am ;-) on 8 o'clock and they are starting to work their won... ♫
czwartek, 18 sierpnia 2011
@EdPeperkamp I had a panic attack, but they gave me a pill and it subsided. Thanks for describing the links. I'... ♫
piątek, 12 sierpnia 2011
@EdPeperkamp I was listening to Rebecca Black, as recommended by :-P I ate dinner, then took a short na... ♫
czwartek, 11 sierpnia 2011
@EdPeperkamp Please email me your cell number. I want to have it in case I need to SMS you. ♫
@EdPeperkamp I have no idea what I did then 8-) It's amazing you dug up that first scrobble 8-]. I was probably... ♫
@EdPeperkamp Starting a new wonderful day with a bit of headache, but not much else hampering my development :-) ♫
środa, 10 sierpnia 2011
@EdPeperkamp I had beans in tomato sauce, delicious and coffee (not very strong). Coffee should work great now ... ♫
@EdPeperkamp I'm feeling really good today. Been on a walk, it's cold outside today, good day for computing :-) ♫
Mój mrrrroczny bloguś, czekam na komcie || The twilight of my blog, waiting for y'all commies ➠
@EdPeperkamp I didn't see the mana card yet, did you send it to me by email? :-] ♫
@EdPeperkamp That hashtag, at first I thought you forgot my userid which is agquarx, so I remind you just in c... ♫
@EdPeperkamp At least at the beginning they were more punk :-) Listen to this... ♫
@EdPeperkamp Our underground network works :-) Listen to more from this band, it's classic polish grrrl emo pun... ♫
wtorek, 9 sierpnia 2011
@EdPeperkamp I'm listening to now (thanks again for gifting me a subscr) to burn the megabytes, tomorro... ♫
@EdPeperkamp I look for a solution to our problem until I find it and then I bring it home like Bjork sings in ... ♫
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