My Girly Ways
środa, 29 grudnia 2010
poniedziałek, 27 grudnia 2010
niedziela, 26 grudnia 2010
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
Anger management 101. Some count to 10, some visualize putting their anger in a virtual balloon and let it up, up and away.. What's your recipe, ritual, way to deal with anger?
I reason with it until it disapears in puff of logic. Why are u angry? I insist. I use reason with deadly precision.
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
For someone who hasn't read Dune; how would you "sell it" to me, so I would become interested? "What's in it for me?" [you don't know, you only know what's in it for you, but you catch my drift]
It quotes a lot of Bible and the main character becomes a prophet. A real one. Only of different religion. But not VERY different :-) Did my pitch work?
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
Besides using tarot, do you use any other ways of interpreting symbols for divination?
I discovered or rather found out that random songs work very good sometimes. And 20-sided dice. Mine is green, but that's not what makes it work, I'm sure :-)
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
środa, 15 grudnia 2010
Synthesis of 6- and 7-propargyloxy derivatives of 4-(3-fluoroanilino)-quinazoline
arguably, the word "explosive" is autological if you form it out of sticks of tnt. the only problem is, WHO'S GOIN...
@IRiDEscent_ERiS: "☼ Ginger►red►YOU @agquarx ..your voice is in the air, i can't feel an ending.. everywhere, a ... ♫
wtorek, 14 grudnia 2010
poniedziałek, 13 grudnia 2010
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
WikiLeaks. Good thing happening to promote transparency in communication? Or a threat to global safety?
I'm for total transparency. Information wants to be free. If we haven't got Wikileaks, we'd have to invent them. It's just a law of nature or Internet. Information wants to be free! Hack the planet!
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
What do you think of full-electric cars, like the Chevrolet Volt? Can they contribute to solve environmental problems?
Yes. It is easier to control carbon emissions at concentrated places like electrical plants than in every single vehicle. Plus, better air in cities! :-]
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
Do you listen to internet radio stations? I don't mean Blip.FM, Last.FM, etc. where you can influence the streaming music, but "old school" radio gone online, like or ? Any favorites?
No, I am entirely spoiled by internet radio that knows what your preferences are, like Pandora or :-].
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
Do you have Closterkeller music files and would you share them with me?
Of course, I will gladly do so! :-) Just tell me where to upload them! :-))))))))) Kisses!
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
niedziela, 12 grudnia 2010
czwartek, 9 grudnia 2010
Ask me anything you want. Really. I will respond within 48 hours or faster.
Do you like chewing gum? If so, what's your favorite brand and flavor?
I absolutely can't stand chewing gum and watching other people chew it either.
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
Do you like soda pops/carbonated flavored sweetened water drinks? If so, what's your favorite brand and flavor?
CocaCole. Sorry for being less than original in my answer ;-] I don't drink such drinks often though. They make you phat ;-]
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
Do you like coffee? If so, what's your favorite brand and flavor?
I don't like coffee. If I drink it, I don't care which brand it is, it will taste awful anyway ;-]
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
wtorek, 7 grudnia 2010
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
poniedziałek, 6 grudnia 2010
What TV show do you wish would go off the air for good?
Various "Dancing with Stars" ripoffs and the original even before it was created.
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
Do you have a faith or life philosophy and does it make you do daily rituals like prayer, meditation or offering?
No. It doesn't *DO* me to do anything. ASTARTE IS A GODDESS FREE. She is not just another goddess, promising love and all loving Universe. She is special to me because she doesn't need or want my worship. I worship her because I like to do it and it brings me good, love and all loving Universe :-].
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
How would you define what you refer to as reality realized? I.a.w. how is it different from other realities, consciousness levels, viewpoints, experiences? Or am I taking this too far now?
"Reality", in other words all the things that are, MUST exist also without you. "Reality realized" MUST NOT exist in other way than with you, together. HTH :-]
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
@IRiDEscent_ERiS: "☼ I felt drawn to Drew Barrymore this morning – I'm a Dreamer" - I possitively adore her :-) ... ♫
Where does the need for a personal god come from? Jahweh, Allah, Astarte? Why can’t we see the universe as one big interconnected being which by it’s omni presence will automatically take the best care of us? Without having to worship?
Because we are often POISONED by memetic poisons in form of "sacred books", often when we are very susceptible to manipulation - when grieved, in fear or when very young. It's evil.
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
sobota, 4 grudnia 2010
In your opinion, are there any issues or scenarios where government bodies may restrict or regulate your personal freedom, with the object to protect you from harming yourself? I’m thinking of drug use, euthanasia, mental health degradation.
No. I don't think they should be able to imprison me just because it's for my own good. If I want to suffer, I WANT TO SUFFER. ME.
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
When did you have your first ever recreational drug use experience, which substance did you use and what was it like?
It was alcohol. In form of vodka with tonic. On an "impreza" with friends. I became stupid and avoided alcohol since that day.
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
środa, 1 grudnia 2010
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