Ask me anything you want. Zadaj mi pytanie. Anything goes. Dowolne :-) I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
wtorek, 30 listopada 2010
what you are seeing is a picture of a t-rex torn precisely between fighting crime and selling vitamin d pills for p...
Do you think insomnia could be caused by spiritual activity in unseen dimensions around us?
No. Yes. Maybe. If you care about this activity, maybe it can cause you being unable to sleep at night. If you mind, stop caring and see if it helps. If you don't mind, why would you ask this question? Consider your reason, because it gives an answer to the real question you wanted to ask, but hid it in this question. Mu!
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
How to make my auntie and uncle stay be less narrow-minded than now? They watch TV all the time from morning to midnight. There are any ways to do anything with that?
It's better if you start the change from modifying environment you can really affect, that is, yourself. Why do you mind? Ask yourself this question. If you have a good reason, try arguing with yourself, that it's not a good one and then you will transcend to enlightenment in very much zen way, young Padawan.
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
Your publishings on the web show a contrast between strong belief in visions, demons &deities on the left side &an almost anticlimax-like realization on the right side that none of it is true. I would despair, you seem to have transcended that. How?
I simply never believe in things I read and believe in everything I am told, then write that down and read it. It works :-) Really! And I guess I am simply myself. I can believe or know several things that are mutually exclusive. I'm not confused by ambiguity.
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
What does writing poetry do for you, like, does if have a function in your life, could you do without it, or definitely not?
I write poems because I love to do it, like eating good food or listening to music. But they require special state of mind for me to enjoy writing them full. I love when people comment on my micropoems on Twitter. Comment about some if you want to make me all happy :-)
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
Were you able to or allowed to listen to music as much as you liked when you were in mental hospital?
Yes. I took my iPod with me and the charger. Thank you for asking. I rented the iPod to people there, they are so starved for music, you have no idea. They loved me for it, I think. And I'm happy I was able to make their status less painful. Music is a truly magickal entity.
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
Demons. Created by religions to repress our free thought and taking our own responsibility and thus absorbed by the collective consciousness as evil doers? Or real existing entities? Or character traits that can haunt as well as inspire us?
Demons are real. But you needed to be afraid of USING them, they can be just a tool for your understanding. They are not people, though. Let's not use the word demons when we think character traits. Why confuse ourselves and people around. I like the reaction of people of religions of the book (Christians, Jews, Mahometan). They are scared of demons. They shouldn't. It's like working with radioactive materials - if you take precautions and think about the things you do, you'll generally be fine. HTH :-)
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
With you last high dosage MDPV experience, you were found in a state of having no connection with your surroundings anymore; do you have any memories of the time you were found and rushed to hospital?
I have all memory from this period. No amnesia at all. MDPV is stimulating pleasure centers in the brain (indirectly), it's not a dissociative like Ketamine or DXM. I know it from literature and from my own experience, I tried those two too. Read about phenetylamines on english Wikipedia.
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
Was it bliss when you were out on so much MDPV or was it hell? Did you try to reconnect to your surroundings but could not, or did you not care at that time?
I was not disconnected, MDPV doesn't work that way. I was more connected than it is possible for me when sober. So connected that every twitch of some muscle in my body engrossed me in ocean of feelings. That is mostly what it did appear to me - a lot of feelings, mostly carnal type and almost no reason to hold me back. I'd use it again if I only have a chance. It's actually better than cocaine. Dangerous drug. You should try it, you'd be lost in it and maybe did something very bad. I survived because reason is less important for me than intuition, which was unimpaired.
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
Do you recall the process of coming down from so much MDPV and reconnect with your surroundings?
I was extremely talkative, even though I was tied to bed in a straight jacket I didn't mind, because the drug was still working. I enjoyed this captivity. Then I started to get those dreams, that I use MDPV and have sex with multiple parties, violent, crazy sex. I was dreaming awake for few days. In these dreams I actually felt the same thing - extremely horny attitude without any inhibitions, really. No inhibitions is a key to sexual enjoyment, I think. Also, my sleep patterns were grisly disturbed, but that is to be expected when you abuse MDPV. Even in smaller doses it damages your nights' sleep.
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
Has this latest experience on high MDPV dosage upset you as much as your Salamander experience, when you ingested cocaine for the first time, lost control and had unprotected sex with multiple party attendants?
Funny, it did not. I guess there is some difference between the two substances in how they affect memory and emotional response directed by recall. Maybe there is also something to say about the social setting - I was alone with my shent. Nobody except me and you know. There ;-)
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
poniedziałek, 29 listopada 2010
@IRiDEscent_ERiS: "☼ Come see the blood that's in my bed, come hear the things that nobody talks about..... ♫
@IRiDEscent_ERiS: "☼ Addiction, can't get away from you.. Use me, bite me, shock me.. @agquarx ▲ Shocker X - Las... ♫
niedziela, 28 listopada 2010
sobota, 27 listopada 2010
piątek, 26 listopada 2010
@IRiDEscent_ERiS: "☼ Inspired by the priestess of Warsaw.. @agquarx ▲ Blondie - Atomic" ♫
@IRiDEscent_ERiS: "☼ To express my happinez you've been released from hospital.. @agquarx ▲ May Goddess bless th... ♫
@IRiDEscent_ERiS - I used the offering to get sth. I hope Astarte did sth for you? Did she? Lately? I was asking... ♫
95895d1229374265-funny-strange-random-pics-24mcj1g.jpg (JPEG Image, 500×667 pixels)
środa, 24 listopada 2010
piątek, 19 listopada 2010
czwartek, 18 listopada 2010
poniedziałek, 15 listopada 2010
i've been saying "new autobiography title" after my friends say something particularly great, which is how joey com...
niedziela, 14 listopada 2010
You said, that Fearies care about our friendships, I mean we will never be alone because they give to us friends into our life. How it works?
Ask your faeries. If you INSIST long enough you will get an answer. Maybe your faeries do it think different than my faeries, you know :-)
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
What for someone create Catholicism, Muslim, Eastern Orthodox Church if do you think that god doesn't exist? Is it for controling people, or what for?
Yes. It's also pure EVIL. I thought everybody knew it's Satan who created organized religion...No joke.
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
I like Dropbox. It's not only sexy but actually truly useful. If you use this link, I get some free space there.
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
Is intuition a quality that can be trained? If so, how?
I have no idea - I train my intuition by intuition. No joke.
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
If I don't want to watch (manipulated) TV news, what would be good alternative news channels?
Use some kind of RSS aggregator (Google Reader is very nice) to automatically feed yourself interesting content from many, varied sources. GR even suggests new sources based on existing ones. I like it. Maybe you will like it too. I like automation generally :-)
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
How do I remove the scar tissue of religious based guilt?
I never had this problem really. I'm afraid I don't know much about it. One thing is sure - using beliefs against each other to nullify them is a good idea. Once you get rid of dogma the rest is not going to be so destructive and painful to live with.
Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster.
sobota, 13 listopada 2010
czwartek, 11 listopada 2010
Slipped a blow / Bleeding for me / You in control / Couldn't believe / Master of pain / Hidden beliefs / No love... ♫
@IRiDEscent_ERiS: "☼ You're so beautiful.. @agquarx ▲ Juliette and the Licks – You're Speaking My Language" ♫
środa, 10 listopada 2010
@arthurpaul: "rb @IRiDEscent_ERiS: "@agquarx ▲ Anneke van Giersbergen & Sharon den Adel @ Melkweg Amsterdam 12-0... ♫
niedziela, 7 listopada 2010
środa, 3 listopada 2010
poniedziałek, 1 listopada 2010
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