piątek, 30 kwietnia 2010

Mike Arrington: HP to Kill Windows 7 ‘Slate’ Project http://ping.fm/SVP0I

Apple applies for 'disappearing button' patent http://ping.fm/4mSrI

Microsoft weighs in: 'the future of the web is HTML5' http://ping.fm/IiuCx

sobota, 24 kwietnia 2010

Desert Island http://ping.fm/z9VzE

ThinkGeek :: Canned Unicorn Meat, Buy It Till We Still Have Some! http://ping.fm/EhU7C

Secrets of the Aristocracy TOTAL CUTE OVERLOAD! :-) http://ping.fm/xMfXq

99 year-old loves her first computer -- an iPad mydad needs one http://ping.fm/1gsqz

środa, 21 kwietnia 2010

Circuit Diagram omg lol http://ping.fm/CHeKS

This is What a Tweet Looks Like http://ping.fm/bcRtn

Jak używać Twittera i się nie zmęczyć... http://ping.fm/onEOzżywać twittera_i_się_nie_zmęczyć?success=1

Volcanic Lightning, Eyjafjallajökull, and how it works, @drkiki twis science http://ping.fm/BAZie

wtorek, 20 kwietnia 2010

agquarx: RT @Benfranklin1: Straci?em w?a?nie, ?wietny wpis na bloga :( http://ping.fm/p5hOo

Under Threat, Women Bond, Men Withdraw http://ping.fm/CP1N8

Why 42 is the answer to everything? - Douglas Adams Explains http://ping.fm/3sFse

Quantum broadband becomes reality @drkiki twis science http://ping.fm/Wu6Hg

Accurate Posters for Pro-Lifers http://ping.fm/ayu2B

I give my autistic son pot. http://ping.fm/2JLmB

poniedziałek, 19 kwietnia 2010

Eliminating Comments: the Road to Clarity http://ping.fm/yGIww

Rehabilitating Mr. Wiggles 561 bukkake porn tree hugging http://ping.fm/xOaYE

piątek, 16 kwietnia 2010

Trade Expert ingenious geek humor hilarious http://xkcd.com/727/

czwartek, 15 kwietnia 2010

The Alot is Better Than You at Everything http://ping.fm/pcq0J

środa, 14 kwietnia 2010


Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster. http://formspring.me/agquarx


Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster. http://formspring.me/agquarx


Ask me anything you want. Anything goes. I will respond within 48 hour or faster. http://formspring.me/agquarx

wtorek, 13 kwietnia 2010

I Want to Be a Guest at This Dinner Party @drkiki science twis http://ping.fm/Ef9T4

poniedziałek, 12 kwietnia 2010

Atheist Barbie http://ping.fm/E5I2D

czwartek, 8 kwietnia 2010

Carbon dioxide may explain 'near death experiences' @drkiki science twis http://ping.fm/aPxje

Animals That Can Live Without Oxygen Discovered, Aliens Basically Guaranteed to Exist Now @driki science twis http://ping.fm/XpEBv

środa, 7 kwietnia 2010

TAU Researcher Finds Link Between Cigarette Smoking And IQ @drkiki science twis http://mnt.to/f/3zNS

US Hospitalizations For Poisoning By Opioids, Sedatives And Tranquilizers Increased 65 Percent From 1999-2006 @drkiki science twis http://mnt.to/f/3zSB

Scientists say free will probably doesn't exist, but urge: "Don't stop believing!" @drkiki science twis http://ping.fm/iYDfx

Why every chick flick is exactly the same http://ping.fm/A9SSi

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