wtorek, 28 kwietnia 2009

Listening to FDO (Scott Sigler) and Seth Harwood podcasts. Going early to bed today. Need more data for my nightmares ;-). Milk and kisses..

środa, 22 kwietnia 2009

I did a Tarot reading for my friend...it was surprisingly meaningful!

waiting impatiently for review of my erotic story by Philippa Ballantine. I love her, I simply love her :-)

poniedziałek, 20 kwietnia 2009

Was in cinema. Splendid!

środa, 15 kwietnia 2009

Back to operation...

Google Mail is dead

Alice Brown has big sweet eyes // Alice has a man and wife // One day Alice Brown just dies // And on this day she comes to fruition...

Writing poems and sending them to random persons from my friend list...

Reading articles http://ping.fm/Tfb3c

Reading articles about Twitter and Facebook...

Playing web games on Facebook...

Listening to Barbara Morgenstern...

Listening to Jango.com. It has a potential...Not as good as Last.fm, though. Yet.

środa, 8 kwietnia 2009

...Reading Wayne Magnuson's English Idioms, Sayings and Slang...http://ping.fm/PHFX6

...Reading Wayne Margnuson's English Idioms, Sayings and Slang...

Listening to "Keith and a Girl" podcast...


Od poniedzia�ek 16 marzec 2009,1 z Twoich kontakt�w zaprosi�o Ci� do przy��czenia si� do Netlog, spo�eczno�ci internetowej dla ponad 20 milion�w ludzi w Europie.


My mind is blurred like my eyes // Directed toward my Mac screen // My head is filled with my lies // I feel I'll never win...

czwartek, 2 kwietnia 2009

Dwa nowe wpisy na blogu "agquarx".
Z sensem: http://ping.fm/DAQcX
Bez sensu: http://ping.fm/b5zjX
Zawiera treści pornograficzne. Nie zawiera chomików.

Testing Jango.com. We'll see how it compares to Last.fm.

środa, 1 kwietnia 2009

My Internet Boyfriend broke up with me after I've send him my nude picture :-(

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