środa, 29 października 2008

browsing through several sites, including YouTube for videos of new bands, some reason Last.fm cannot find them...Now I listen to Imperia...

browsing http://homunculus.com for Katie Holmes. Listening to Irish and Celtic Music Podcast. One of the best podcasts I know, truly superb!

What sane person could live in this world and not be crazy? -Ursula K. Le
Guin, author (b. 1929)

discovering new music on last.fm. My userid is "agquarx". Feel free to friend me or read my journal...

wtorek, 28 października 2008

reading comp.lang.php

translating urgent text for hyperreal.info

my friend got me a prescription for some Dexedrine. I think I'm not going to sleep today ;-)

reading comp.lang.php for fun and games...

poniedziałek, 27 października 2008

browsing Versiontracker.com for something funny...

niedziela, 26 października 2008

sampling How To Succeed In Evil

sobota, 25 października 2008

listening to Shakespear poems podcast...

środa, 22 października 2008

finishing Seth Harwood's JACK PALMS 3, browsing through homunculus.com Kirsten Dunst and Mur Lafferty podcasts...

sobota, 18 października 2008

browsing through homunculus.com Kirsten Dunst images...

researching vampires and Mariner Soft software...

listening to VIa Mistica while catching up with my 500 unread messages worth inbox...

piątek, 17 października 2008

getting Out of the Coffin...

wtorek, 14 października 2008

is in Bed with Susie Bright...

listening to Polyamory Weekly...

listening to Scott Sigler feed :-)

listening to How To Disapear Completely...

reading a book in bath...

poniedziałek, 13 października 2008

has found that IAmPrayingForYou application actually helped me drop my meth amphetamine habit. I was sceptic at first but my girlfriend...

mingling with settings on my newly Archive and Install reinstalled Mac OS X. Something went ugly after last security update...

researching Google Gears...

watching GGG Paris Sperma Imperium with my two girl-friends. We love John Thompson movies! :-)

took 750mg of Ephedra Sinica. My mind is glowing...:-)

piątek, 10 października 2008

lulling herself to sleep with science-related podcasts...

listening to science-related and science-fiction podcasts from Apple iTunes on his Apple computer...

listening to Metamor City Podcast...

listening to Dawn and Drew Show podcast, I love these guys :-)

delighting in sound of Amy Winehouse // Kathy Melua mix...

środa, 8 października 2008

listening to Christiana Ellis voice in Nina Kimberly the Merciless podcast...


poniedziałek, 6 października 2008

took 600mg Ephedra Sinica. Party time! :-)

sobota, 4 października 2008

listening to Christiana Shallow Thoughts, large dose. That melody and her voice puts me gently to sleep every time, guaranteed :=)

piątek, 3 października 2008

listening pattern set - some music (random) then some podcasts, then some music off my iPod (chaotic)...

środa, 1 października 2008

listening to science-related podcasts :-) I feel fine now...

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